Gvision Fuel Cap Leakage Test System
The Gvision Fuel Cap Leakage Test System’s Main aim of this system is to check leakage of the fuel cap at particular pressure.
What it is, for All About.
The Gvision Fuel Cap Leakage Test System’s Main aim of this system is to check leakage of the fuel cap at particular pressure.
Specification of Gvision Cap Leakage Test System.
The Gvision Fuel Cap Leakage test System’s Main aim of this system is to check leakage of the fuel cap at particular pressure.
Technical Specification:
- Canopy type: fuel cap leak test rig
- Static pressure: 29.4 kpa
- And Dynamic test: 0-196 kpa @ 2 bar max.
- PLC base software with sampling rate :100ms
- data storing logging in excel file.
- Including accessories
Air pressure regulators, switching valves, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, fuel cap mounting fixture and trolley base canopy.
- PLC base touch screen, 4×3” with data logging facility.
- Air leakage setup with below capability for Fuel Cap:
Static pressure – Pressure of 29.4 Kpa to be applied and hold for 5 seconds and 1 minute and leakage to be calculated
Dynamic Pressure – 0 to 196 Kpa with below cycle time
The machine will be able to detect any leakage with above test requirements or as per requirement.

In inclusion, when utilized in concert, the Gvision Fuel Cap Leakage Testing System become a highly accurate Fuel Cap Leakage. Furthermore, fast calibration, easy integration, as well as long maintenance intervals are key features of our system that delivers quality results with minimum downtime.